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I absolutely LOVE this.

A bit hard at first, but after a day of practice I can easily breeze through it.

Also the artstyle is stellar and I love the little gags and funny details.


too many buttons you don't need them all


I've tried playing with my pro controllers multiple times, and I've never gotten past the title screen. Do you know why it might not accept any of my inputs?

Could it be that you're trying to use them wired instead of wireless? It seems when running the game natively it only detects it if it's wireless.




I thought the same lmao.

Is like if Parappa and Wario Ware had a child.


A clap of applauses, that was problably hard to make. I hate how people compare this to FNF. This is way more different and has a way better story than just "battle to keep my gf". But keeping that away, its a great game.

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I also don't like how the comparison feels, but it kinda comes naturally thanks to the type of game. WAY better than fnf tho.

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I Completly agree.


Dood I litterally made a account to comment about this game, its great! I love melodii's design and personality! The songs are wonderfull man! I love the animations that play through the level. It all just screams SOUL especially the little tinks in the free play section when the song changes to the beat of the songs melodii. its all so charming. I really wish the devs good luck on the game and hope making it is a smooth sail from now to the final product.


this demo has an insane amount of potential! my only gripes are that the scratch inputs can often be fast for a dpad (i sometimes feel like i need two thumbs on the dpad) and certain patterns go by too quickly. all of the battles in this demo have more polish than i expected, and the songs are catchy and adorable. can't wait to see more!


I recently encountered a glitch where I would pass the stage just fine but I can still hear the "game over" audio in the background. Idk if it's because I failed at keeping 3D mode or if it was because of the fact that I almost failed the stage but you might wanna look into this. 


is there like any possible ways to change the keyboard settings? Like turn it into only arrows?


I would love to play this game, but my monitor is square, and i can’t see part of the bar, making it nearly impossible to pass Astral Advisory.  Could you add support for some square monitors?


Can't guarantee but I'll see what I can do! Until then, perhaps try setting it to windowed mode and picking a smaller resolution in the Options menu.


your solution worked.  thank you very much lj


I can't actually seem to get any of my switch controllers working in ANY combination. Steam Closed playing natively, playing with NS Pro support on Steam, using 3rd parties that switch to XInput, nothing's giving any inputs. Keyboard control is...difficult to stomach, and I hope I'm just being dumb and forgetting an obvious problem

(1 edit) (+1)

Hm, I've done a few tests and the only recreation of this problem I could get was when I tried using it wired instead of wireless. Could that be the problem?


I can't deny that the game looks great and the songs are the best, but something that ruined my gaming experience a bit is that when I was going to start a song, the game starts to crash or lag in some parts (of course losing the stage), these problems start after the tutorial song.

- Cream Cheese Icing (the stage and animation starts normal but the scene crashes when the song starts, i tried retrying a lot of times but i ended straight up losing).

- Nami.WAV (the presentation starts correctly, the animation too, but when the song starts the notes don't appear and the character doesn't do any action, when it's melodii's turn, i tried pressing any button to see what's happening and... boom, I ended up losing again).

- Stir & Mix (the worst of all, even i was excited to play it, but...... is the most buggy and lagged of all. The stage starts, the screen only shows jamtine and melodii just on their idle poses, no animation, no anything and then the melody starts, jamtine didn't even singed, i did the same as i did with Nami.WAV  but, it ended on the same result, losing again just for a bug ).

and lastly

- Grease Poppin' (the same thing as Nami.Wav, the animation starts correctly, even the characters appear as ussual, but when the song starts synthz mcwave doesn't sing, of course by doing nothing i entered on the 3D mode and straight up ended up losing.....again).

no offense Lephem and don't get me wrong, I like the game, the style and the concept of parappa the rappa it looks amazing, but these kind of bugs will probably cost you dearly in front of the public and in the SAGE 2022.

In conclusion: 

Do I like the style of the game? Yes. 

what I don't like is that a job with passion and that promises too much present this type of errors. 

Sincerely, TheSageCOMPLEX


Hey, I'm sorry you're having problems! Do you by any chance have a really low-end computer? I've tried my best with optimization, but I do think there unfortunately might be a breaking point where some devices just can't run it.


i guess so and no, what i have is a mid-high end computer, it's a bit weird because even this pc runs heavier games than scratchin' melodii, maybe if i have time i'll probably reinstall the game and pray it works kek , still thanks for paying attention I hope you have success with the game.

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good news the reinstalation tactic worked and solved the problem, now i can give my review :D

- Cream Cheese Icing: a really nice and funky song, not only that, the idea of the combos really fits these 2 and for being the first song of the game is so "Sweet

- Nami.WAVso relaxing and you really buyed me with her vaporwave hippie vibes , i really loved the song and the way how she plays her to call it "beat"tar :v *insert ba dum tsss*

- Stir & Mix: after the game was fixed the song became better not only that I LOVE JAMTINE'S PERSONALITY OMG! she really reminds me of myself and how i'm a case when it comes to love lol n-n"

- Grease Poppin'Just one thing........Chill Ronald Mcdonald heh -u-, really liked synthz mcwave's personality, he's so chill, i personally  would be his friend and buy him a soda, by my count of course. 

Dude you really showed you have talent, do not waste it Lephem!!!

can't wait to know what will you cook for the next update ',:)



the game really doesn't like two buttons bring held down, which makes 16th notes very frustrating to hit (see: the 1st line of the boss stage).  parappa 1 and old versions of FNF had this issue as well.

as other people have said, the reaction time is way too fast at points.  i think you should take a look at umjammer lammy's scrolling button display, as it's much easier to anticipate your next turn.

the art style, music, and concept are solid though, and i hope to see more in the future!


Can you add back the 2021 demo? It would be cool to have the old versions up when the game's out


I got the 3D Mode and its ending!


A cool feature would be an advanced key/button mapping system, along with that, you can also customize what it shows up as.
(For example, it would be possible to map B to the top button, and have it show as a PS circle button in gameplay)


this looks so cute,i just showed this to my freinds that like parappa lol.


The rhythm aspect of this game is almost perfect and I love everything about it, the animations are really nice, the music is awesome, and its honestly one of the best love letters to Parappa the rapper. One of my only complaints would be about the overworld which honestly doesn't play as big of a role as the rhythm game aspect anyways but I would like to see maybe more going on in the overworld later down the line and maybe just a big more decor since none of it really stands out when you are walking around and it all looks the same but this is a demo so I am sure that is already planned on being fixed, my other gripe is also about how the character moves in the open world, it might be a personal thing but something just feels off about it and its hard to say what it is specifically and I would have to mess around with it more to figure it out. Other than that though this demo is amazing and I can't wait to see more of this game someday and a huge props to the dev for making something so awesome.


Beautiful game!



I like this game so much!

I think a little more music box placement in the story mode and some NPCs to give advice would make exploring the map even better!

I am using a slightly lower spec computer and the gameplay is not difficult, the optimization of the game is working great! 


Loved the demo!

I think the biggest problems for me were how vast the overworld felt and the janky overworld movement; maybe you could lock it to a grid instead of allowing diagonal movement?

I loved the songs and the characters, that part felt very fleshed out- maybe a bit more of a heads up if it'll be two lines of song or just one.

I can't wait to see the full product!


Love the plethora of content in this demo! Really excited to see this come together.
Not much to say that hasn't already been said so I'll try to make some of my own points, the overworld has a lot of empty space and is very easy to get lost in (I spent 15 minutes wandering aimlessly after Nami), the diagonal movement is bugged in both how it's activated and activating the movement sprites, and the fence guy's text box is bugged if you talk to him again. The verse switching can get confusing and it can take a couple of retries to get down, especially since verses can change from doubles to singles to repeats and supports very quickly, maybe a heads up on the HUD could improve on that? Like something that says "Heads Up! Single-line support next!" or "Double-line repeat incoming!" can very easily cut back on the frustration and retries needed. Maybe also the right stick can be used with the scratching as well? It can be very difficult trying to do quick directional inputs on the stick on scratch solos, having a second stick to use inbetween rapid inputs could make things flow much smoother. (If it actually does work ignore this lol, I just couldn't tell if it worked or not when trying it when the game gets hectic)
Really love this project, good to see this style of rhythm game making a return. Lovely characters, cute charm, earworm tracks for days. Showed last year's demo to a bunch of friends and I'm doing the same with this one.


I love how this demo! it needs work, for sure (Overworld is way too big, sometimes reading the notes gets weird), but i am super excited to see how this project goes!


The new songs are both amazing and not only show your skill in creating amazing animations and music videos, but also a banger of a soundtrack. i also love seeing all the small touch ups done to the two previous songs like the intro of grease poppin and the setting and music of cream cheese icing. Also the story mode is a fun way of tying the stages together, however i think the map is a bit too big, especially since there isn't a lot to find off the beaten path, maybe some more npc's or stickers would help? or just make the map smaller,  but those are just tiny critiques on an overall amazing demo!


The charm and presentation of this game is well, infatuating. I love the prospect of being able to expand off of prerequisite notes and being rewarded for it! (There's a little glitch on Nami's battle where pausing during the intro will screw the timing up, but retrying fixes it.) I'm really pumped to see where the game goes next!


Awesome Parappa inspired game!

Psst, btw! If you try to use a controller but the game freaks out, add the game to steam and launch it from there!


great game, the tutorial man scares me


This game is really cool!
The only issue I have with it right now is that it can be a bit confusing when the game switches to Support out of nowhere.
Maybe having a slight gradient at the end of the line or an indicator that shows what kind of line is coming up next could help.
Either way, I look forward to seeing what comes out of this project!

I felt this more with the double phrase, the only difference is a brace around it. They should have their own color


yo after when going in 3d mode on mc stage it doesnt rank u down or up it just stays in the level u were before 3d for ex i was on mid fi and when i was afk on purpose to make it go back it was stuck on mid fi


This game is very cute! I love the attention to detail in game and the music! The gameplay is kinda hard to get used to if you don't have any experience playing rhythm games, but that's okay! I have a lot of experience playing rhythm games so I didn't have much of an issue. Some verses in Cream Cheese Icing and Grease Poppin' are a bit of a pain to pass, but enough practice will get you to passing them.


This is great, but the scoring is a bit weird. I'll mostly get one line and lose points but be really off the next one with the wrong letters and such, but gain points?

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I hope in full game will have "pre-rendered intro/cutscreen" or "2D Mode(use sprite instead of 3d model)" Option , because i'm use low-spec laptop

and i got glitch that when it game over but music still continues playing (and customer complain sound start playing )and screen freeze , after screen respond i get teleport to 3D Mode and not get game over in that round.


How do I use a ps4 controller?


In the current build, you should be able to use it by adding the game's exe to your Steam Library as a Non-Steam game and then switching to the "PS" controller layout in the game's options. Sorry for the late response!


No problem. Im very much enjoying what im seeing so far.

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This game is so my jam it's unbeliavable. This thing is so charming I can't even put it into words. If you need any kind of asset or promo artist please hmu I do work that's completely up this game's alley


this is so awesome, ive been excited for this since the original teaser of grease poppin'. the art and music is so nice, i hope we get to see more soon


really cute game!! the art is cute, the characters are cute, and the animation is REALLY good!! my only "issue" is that the keyboard controls are a little awkward, but its not noticeable enough to the point where it inhibits gameplay. i look forward to future updates!!


Owo is that a "they" I see? Nonbinary protagonist? I might have to give it a shot!




This game is the shit bro, but is there a skip intro button in this game's future? Grease Poppin' is great and I wanna play it more but the intro feels long as hell after restarting so much. Nothing wrong with the intro itself it goes hard but the option would be really nice. Fantastic game btw, I need more of this. :)


Yep, a skip feature was developed recently and will be in the next update! ^^

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