This game is awesome! i hope you finish it.
i love the aesthetic and the style, the animations and the humor. The songs very good too (i loved them, though they could improve on the lyrics side (lacks rhythm and flow)).
The battle animations are incredible!
this game reminds me a lot to parappa in many good ways.
Unfortunately the mechanic is the biggest downside for me. As it is, its pretty much a mess and hardly playable atm (and im a rythm game lover).
I love how there are many different types of interactions (short bars,double bar, is pink and blue) but its extremely confusing, specially to know when is gonna be your turn.
sometimes you wait a bar, sometimes two, sometimes you dont wait and your turn is NOW!!-no-sorry-youve-missed-it.
and it all changes all of the sudden. theres no hint “hey this next bar is your turn”. Also the ui is a bit loaded so i would be careful how to address that.
The tutorial is kinda fun, but the 1st song in story is super hard.
also there are too many buttons. 6 are too much (wasdqe). at least you need a better way to differentiate them than colors (when using kb. Specially since another thing that would help is the ability to map to your own keys (making the letter name unusable). (specially for people with different keyboard layouts like me (i use dvorak yeah)).
mixing it with the 4 arrow keys is just TOO difficult and confusing (for me at least).
On top of that the quantization is too small (ie you need extreme precision).
And the actual keypresses (the .. “tabs” for the song) are too random not sure how to express this, but if you ever played pump it up which has tabs that follow the beat more than “the lyrics” and has more rythm youll notice. Parappa the rapper also staid closely to the beat. you cant really flow while playing which takes away the fun and makes it hard to “memorize” or master a song.
my unwanted suggestion is:
have that (lets call it tab line) all there, full of buttons, as if it were everything already written, but only show 2 bars at a time.
and it scrolls up, so you can always see one line/bar ahead.
every time a bar finishes, the whole tabs scrolls up starting the next bar and revealing one more.
Edit: (lol at my memory) that’s actually how um jammer lammy works (notice how it uses a different color for each character and the icon an the left animates hinting a change of characters)
With that you can get rid of the concepts of blue, pink, single and doubles. and only put the keys for the player. and would give you lots of flexibility. its a major change but thats how i would address it.
also having the face of the playing character moving along will help. and waiting on screen for his turn one bar ahead. if you take a look at parappa, thats how it does it.
i like how each line is only as long as it needs. so you know is a short phrase or longer one.
Also worth noting how parappa uses the same button for same words (every time a word is repeated same button is used) this makes it more intuitive. And also how the difficulty increases very gradually.
Having said that, i really love this game and i really wanna see it published, so much potential!
It is a very good game, I love the musical and artistic section
I just contributed 2 dollars because that's what I can at the moment but the game deserves more support than that, I hope you keep developing it, good luck
Loved the 2022 demo! I only have one question at this point. Who is the voice of Nami.WAV? it sounds like a person, but it could be an amazing sound bank. just wondering
Closed steam and it still does not work. I also don't know what things use my controller :/ also I am using a wireless series X controller (if that helps)
when using a dualshock 4 the game messes up for me? as soon as i have to press X the paws menu comes up and no other button but x works, this leads to me pressing X twice on the bar? Pressing X again now opens the settings despite not prompting me to open it then after all that the game freezes or shows a black screen! please fix this or tell me how to fix it :D I wanna play this!
Hello! It sounds like you have Steam running in the background, sometimes its input interferes with the game, so you should either make sure it's not running or go into Steam controller settings and uncheck "PlayStation Configuration". There are other possible solutions on this page's troubleshooting section as well. I hope this solves your problem!
Thank you, that resolved the issue and may i say! out of all the years I've been playing games, I actively avoided rhythm games...but this was the single most charming game I have ever played! magnificent! keep up the great work!!
I cannot properly express how much I love this game. All of the songs are absolute bops, the animation and environments are so aesthetically pleasing. I've been playing the songs repeatedly for the past 3 days, having a blast freestylin'. The story mode is hilarious, I loved seeing the trouble this cute little hoodrat kept getting into.
*SPOILERS BELOW* The story mode is really turning out to be something special. I was having fun just interacting with household objects, then out of nowhere a child gets run over by government agents. I couldn't help but bust out laughing at how casually this game could just throw in dark humor like that. The surreal nature of the NPCs and the world they live in really sucked me in, you have assembled the perfect cast of funky delinquents, and the perfect butter man who knows how to bust a move! Keep up the incredible work!
They are one of the best games I've tried in years, when I played this game I felt that incredibly special feeling because I played a game called PaRappa the Rapper a long time ago and it gave me some nostalgia to play it, I hope the final version arrives later it has too much potential :)
The game has a lot of potential and i´m really excited to see the final product whenever it releases!
A few things that could be improved though:
-The scoreboard that appears after levels needs a different bar with some different colors, as it is right now it looks kind of unappealing
-The overworld, of course it is a work in progress, but a different artstyle that fits more with the character designs would make the game much more pleasant to look at, maybe using low poly 3D or some 2D art with stronger lineart would work
-Dialogues are too long, and the "speaking" sound characters make is wayy too loud to the point it kinda hurts lol, maybe using vocaloid voiebanks with a more jibberish tone instead of an undertale voice would work??
-This is more subjective, but pastel shadows or shading characters with different colors instead of using the darker version of them would really make the artwork pop
The game is looking great so far and i wish you luck with your project!
I've tried playing with my pro controllers multiple times, and I've never gotten past the title screen. Do you know why it might not accept any of my inputs?
A clap of applauses, that was problably hard to make. I hate how people compare this to FNF. This is way more different and has a way better story than just "battle to keep my gf". But keeping that away, its a great game.
Dood I litterally made a account to comment about this game, its great! I love melodii's design and personality! The songs are wonderfull man! I love the animations that play through the level. It all just screams SOUL especially the little tinks in the free play section when the song changes to the beat of the songs melodii. its all so charming. I really wish the devs good luck on the game and hope making it is a smooth sail from now to the final product.
this demo has an insane amount of potential! my only gripes are that the scratch inputs can often be fast for a dpad (i sometimes feel like i need two thumbs on the dpad) and certain patterns go by too quickly. all of the battles in this demo have more polish than i expected, and the songs are catchy and adorable. can't wait to see more!
I recently encountered a glitch where I would pass the stage just fine but I can still hear the "game over" audio in the background. Idk if it's because I failed at keeping 3D mode or if it was because of the fact that I almost failed the stage but you might wanna look into this.
I would love to play this game, but my monitor is square, and i can’t see part of the bar, making it nearly impossible to pass Astral Advisory. Could you add support for some square monitors?
I can't actually seem to get any of my switch controllers working in ANY combination. Steam Closed playing natively, playing with NS Pro support on Steam, using 3rd parties that switch to XInput, nothing's giving any inputs. Keyboard control is...difficult to stomach, and I hope I'm just being dumb and forgetting an obvious problem
Hm, I've done a few tests and the only recreation of this problem I could get was when I tried using it wired instead of wireless. Could that be the problem?
I can't deny that the game looks great and the songs are the best, but something that ruined my gaming experience a bit is that when I was going to start a song, the game starts to crash or lag in some parts (of course losing the stage), these problems start after the tutorial song.
- Cream Cheese Icing (the stage and animation starts normal but the scene crashes when the song starts, i tried retrying a lot of times but i ended straight up losing).
- Nami.WAV (the presentation starts correctly, the animation too, but when the song starts the notes don't appear and the character doesn't do any action, when it's melodii's turn, i tried pressing any button to see what's happening and... boom, I ended up losing again).
- Stir & Mix (the worst of all, even i was excited to play it, but...... is the most buggy and lagged of all. The stage starts, the screen only shows jamtine and melodii just on their idle poses, no animation, no anything and then the melody starts, jamtine didn't even singed, i did the same as i did with Nami.WAV but, it ended on the same result, losing again just for a bug ).
and lastly
- Grease Poppin' (the same thing as Nami.Wav, the animation starts correctly, even the characters appear as ussual, but when the song starts synthz mcwave doesn't sing, of course by doing nothing i entered on the 3D mode and straight up ended up losing.....again).
no offense Lephem and don't get me wrong, I like the game, the style and the concept of parappa the rappa it looks amazing, but these kind of bugs will probably cost you dearly in front of the public and in the SAGE 2022.
In conclusion:
Do I like the style of the game? Yes.
what I don't like is that a job with passion and that promises too much present this type of errors.
Hey, I'm sorry you're having problems! Do you by any chance have a really low-end computer? I've tried my best with optimization, but I do think there unfortunately might be a breaking point where some devices just can't run it.
i guess so and no, what i have is a mid-high end computer, it's a bit weird because even this pc runs heavier games than scratchin' melodii, maybe if i have time i'll probably reinstall the game and pray it works kek , still thanks for paying attention I hope you have success with the game.
good news the reinstalation tactic worked and solved the problem, now i can give my review :D
- Cream Cheese Icing: a really nice and funky song, not only that, the idea of the combos really fits these 2 and for being the first song of the game is so "Sweet"
- Nami.WAV: so relaxing and you really buyed me with her vaporwave hippie vibes , i really loved the song and the way how she plays her to call it "beat"tar :v *insert ba dum tsss*
- Stir & Mix:after the game was fixed the song became better not only that I LOVE JAMTINE'S PERSONALITY OMG!she really reminds me of myself and how i'm a case when it comes to love lol n-n"
- Grease Poppin': Just one thing........Chill Ronald Mcdonald heh -u-, really liked synthz mcwave's personality, he's so chill, i personally would be his friend and buy him a soda, by my count of course.
Dude you really showed you have talent, do not waste it Lephem!!!
can't wait to know what will you cook for the next update ',:)
the game really doesn't like two buttons bring held down, which makes 16th notes very frustrating to hit (see: the 1st line of the boss stage). parappa 1 and old versions of FNF had this issue as well.
as other people have said, the reaction time is way too fast at points. i think you should take a look at umjammer lammy's scrolling button display, as it's much easier to anticipate your next turn.
the art style, music, and concept are solid though, and i hope to see more in the future!
A cool feature would be an advanced key/button mapping system, along with that, you can also customize what it shows up as. (For example, it would be possible to map B to the top button, and have it show as a PS circle button in gameplay)
The rhythm aspect of this game is almost perfect and I love everything about it, the animations are really nice, the music is awesome, and its honestly one of the best love letters to Parappa the rapper. One of my only complaints would be about the overworld which honestly doesn't play as big of a role as the rhythm game aspect anyways but I would like to see maybe more going on in the overworld later down the line and maybe just a big more decor since none of it really stands out when you are walking around and it all looks the same but this is a demo so I am sure that is already planned on being fixed, my other gripe is also about how the character moves in the open world, it might be a personal thing but something just feels off about it and its hard to say what it is specifically and I would have to mess around with it more to figure it out. Other than that though this demo is amazing and I can't wait to see more of this game someday and a huge props to the dev for making something so awesome.
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This game is awesome! i hope you finish it. i love the aesthetic and the style, the animations and the humor. The songs very good too (i loved them, though they could improve on the lyrics side (lacks rhythm and flow)). The battle animations are incredible! this game reminds me a lot to parappa in many good ways.
Unfortunately the mechanic is the biggest downside for me. As it is, its pretty much a mess and hardly playable atm (and im a rythm game lover). I love how there are many different types of interactions (short bars,double bar, is pink and blue) but its extremely confusing, specially to know when is gonna be your turn. sometimes you wait a bar, sometimes two, sometimes you dont wait and your turn is NOW!!-no-sorry-youve-missed-it. and it all changes all of the sudden. theres no hint “hey this next bar is your turn”. Also the ui is a bit loaded so i would be careful how to address that.
The tutorial is kinda fun, but the 1st song in story is super hard. also there are too many buttons. 6 are too much (wasdqe). at least you need a better way to differentiate them than colors (when using kb. Specially since another thing that would help is the ability to map to your own keys (making the letter name unusable). (specially for people with different keyboard layouts like me (i use dvorak yeah)). mixing it with the 4 arrow keys is just TOO difficult and confusing (for me at least). On top of that the quantization is too small (ie you need extreme precision). And the actual keypresses (the .. “tabs” for the song) are too random not sure how to express this, but if you ever played pump it up which has tabs that follow the beat more than “the lyrics” and has more rythm youll notice. Parappa the rapper also staid closely to the beat. you cant really flow while playing which takes away the fun and makes it hard to “memorize” or master a song.
my unwanted suggestion is: have that (lets call it tab line) all there, full of buttons, as if it were everything already written, but only show 2 bars at a time. and it scrolls up, so you can always see one line/bar ahead. every time a bar finishes, the whole tabs scrolls up starting the next bar and revealing one more. Edit: (lol at my memory) that’s actually how um jammer lammy works (notice how it uses a different color for each character and the icon an the left animates hinting a change of characters)
With that you can get rid of the concepts of blue, pink, single and doubles. and only put the keys for the player. and would give you lots of flexibility. its a major change but thats how i would address it.
also having the face of the playing character moving along will help. and waiting on screen for his turn one bar ahead. if you take a look at parappa, thats how it does it. i like how each line is only as long as it needs. so you know is a short phrase or longer one.
Also worth noting how parappa uses the same button for same words (every time a word is repeated same button is used) this makes it more intuitive. And also how the difficulty increases very gradually.
Having said that, i really love this game and i really wanna see it published, so much potential!
I love this game it's so fun and I love Melodii, she's so cute and her expressions are so fun and add so much charm! Can't wait to see more!
i can tell this is gonna be my favorite game ever when the full version comes out
(doodle attached because why not)
It is a very good game, I love the musical and artistic section
I just contributed 2 dollars because that's what I can at the moment but the game deserves more support than that, I hope you keep developing it, good luck
Loved the 2022 demo! I only have one question at this point. Who is the voice of Nami.WAV? it sounds like a person, but it could be an amazing sound bank. just wondering
Nami is voiced by Meggie-Elise!
What can I do if it does not detect my controller?
The troubleshooting section of this page may be able to help!
Closed steam and it still does not work. I also don't know what things use my controller :/ also I am using a wireless series X controller (if that helps)
The battles are awesome, the songs are groovy, THE WHOLE GAME IS A VIBE! Looking forward to seeing this game progress to a full release!
when using a dualshock 4 the game messes up for me? as soon as i have to press X the paws menu comes up and no other button but x works, this leads to me pressing X twice on the bar? Pressing X again now opens the settings despite not prompting me to open it then after all that the game freezes or shows a black screen! please fix this or tell me how to fix it :D I wanna play this!
Hello! It sounds like you have Steam running in the background, sometimes its input interferes with the game, so you should either make sure it's not running or go into Steam controller settings and uncheck "PlayStation Configuration". There are other possible solutions on this page's troubleshooting section as well. I hope this solves your problem!
Thank you, that resolved the issue and may i say! out of all the years I've been playing games, I actively avoided rhythm games...but this was the single most charming game I have ever played! magnificent! keep up the great work!!
This game looks promising, but does it have viruses? I don't want to damage my computer, but I'll still give it 5 stars.
Sorry for my english, i speak more spanish.
(Spanish) No tiene, si windows te salta una ventana de advertencia no es porque tenga virus, es porque el juego fue creado hace relativamente poco.
I cannot properly express how much I love this game. All of the songs are absolute bops, the animation and environments are so aesthetically pleasing. I've been playing the songs repeatedly for the past 3 days, having a blast freestylin'. The story mode is hilarious, I loved seeing the trouble this cute little hoodrat kept getting into.
The story mode is really turning out to be something special. I was having fun just interacting with household objects, then out of nowhere a child gets run over by government agents. I couldn't help but bust out laughing at how casually this game could just throw in dark humor like that. The surreal nature of the NPCs and the world they live in really sucked me in, you have assembled the perfect cast of funky delinquents, and the perfect butter man who knows how to bust a move! Keep up the incredible work!
The game looks interesting, what I saw of the gameplay is not bad at all.
They are one of the best games I've tried in years, when I played this game I felt that incredibly special feeling because I played a game called PaRappa the Rapper a long time ago and it gave me some nostalgia to play it, I hope the final version arrives later it has too much potential :)
mi unica queja es que porfa que se pueda editar los controles de window a tu gusto
I will only say one thing, this game is awesome... I love it <3
The game has a lot of potential and i´m really excited to see the final product whenever it releases!
A few things that could be improved though:
-The scoreboard that appears after levels needs a different bar with some different colors, as it is right now it looks kind of unappealing
-The overworld, of course it is a work in progress, but a different artstyle that fits more with the character designs would make the game much more pleasant to look at, maybe using low poly 3D or some 2D art with stronger lineart would work
-Dialogues are too long, and the "speaking" sound characters make is wayy too loud to the point it kinda hurts lol, maybe using vocaloid voiebanks with a more jibberish tone instead of an undertale voice would work??
-This is more subjective, but pastel shadows or shading characters with different colors instead of using the darker version of them would really make the artwork pop
The game is looking great so far and i wish you luck with your project!
Found another glitch: do not spam the fast forward button after you lose 3D mode because it will fast forward the entire level.
when is it gonna be ported to mac :C
Try using wine.
I absolutely LOVE this.
A bit hard at first, but after a day of practice I can easily breeze through it.
Also the artstyle is stellar and I love the little gags and funny details.
too many buttons you don't need them all
I've tried playing with my pro controllers multiple times, and I've never gotten past the title screen. Do you know why it might not accept any of my inputs?
Could it be that you're trying to use them wired instead of wireless? It seems when running the game natively it only detects it if it's wireless.
I thought the same lmao.
Is like if Parappa and Wario Ware had a child.
A clap of applauses, that was problably hard to make. I hate how people compare this to FNF. This is way more different and has a way better story than just "battle to keep my gf". But keeping that away, its a great game.
I also don't like how the comparison feels, but it kinda comes naturally thanks to the type of game. WAY better than fnf tho.
I Completly agree.
Dood I litterally made a account to comment about this game, its great! I love melodii's design and personality! The songs are wonderfull man! I love the animations that play through the level. It all just screams SOUL especially the little tinks in the free play section when the song changes to the beat of the songs melodii. its all so charming. I really wish the devs good luck on the game and hope making it is a smooth sail from now to the final product.
this demo has an insane amount of potential! my only gripes are that the scratch inputs can often be fast for a dpad (i sometimes feel like i need two thumbs on the dpad) and certain patterns go by too quickly. all of the battles in this demo have more polish than i expected, and the songs are catchy and adorable. can't wait to see more!
I recently encountered a glitch where I would pass the stage just fine but I can still hear the "game over" audio in the background. Idk if it's because I failed at keeping 3D mode or if it was because of the fact that I almost failed the stage but you might wanna look into this.
is there like any possible ways to change the keyboard settings? Like turn it into only arrows?
I would love to play this game, but my monitor is square, and i can’t see part of the bar, making it nearly impossible to pass Astral Advisory. Could you add support for some square monitors?
Can't guarantee but I'll see what I can do! Until then, perhaps try setting it to windowed mode and picking a smaller resolution in the Options menu.
your solution worked. thank you very much lj
I can't actually seem to get any of my switch controllers working in ANY combination. Steam Closed playing natively, playing with NS Pro support on Steam, using 3rd parties that switch to XInput, nothing's giving any inputs. Keyboard control is...difficult to stomach, and I hope I'm just being dumb and forgetting an obvious problem
Hm, I've done a few tests and the only recreation of this problem I could get was when I tried using it wired instead of wireless. Could that be the problem?
I can't deny that the game looks great and the songs are the best, but something that ruined my gaming experience a bit is that when I was going to start a song, the game starts to crash or lag in some parts (of course losing the stage), these problems start after the tutorial song.
- Cream Cheese Icing (the stage and animation starts normal but the scene crashes when the song starts, i tried retrying a lot of times but i ended straight up losing).
- Nami.WAV (the presentation starts correctly, the animation too, but when the song starts the notes don't appear and the character doesn't do any action, when it's melodii's turn, i tried pressing any button to see what's happening and... boom, I ended up losing again).
- Stir & Mix (the worst of all, even i was excited to play it, but...... is the most buggy and lagged of all. The stage starts, the screen only shows jamtine and melodii just on their idle poses, no animation, no anything and then the melody starts, jamtine didn't even singed, i did the same as i did with Nami.WAV but, it ended on the same result, losing again just for a bug ).
and lastly
- Grease Poppin' (the same thing as Nami.Wav, the animation starts correctly, even the characters appear as ussual, but when the song starts synthz mcwave doesn't sing, of course by doing nothing i entered on the 3D mode and straight up ended up losing.....again).
no offense Lephem and don't get me wrong, I like the game, the style and the concept of parappa the rappa it looks amazing, but these kind of bugs will probably cost you dearly in front of the public and in the SAGE 2022.
In conclusion:
Do I like the style of the game? Yes.
what I don't like is that a job with passion and that promises too much present this type of errors.
Sincerely, TheSageCOMPLEX
Hey, I'm sorry you're having problems! Do you by any chance have a really low-end computer? I've tried my best with optimization, but I do think there unfortunately might be a breaking point where some devices just can't run it.
i guess so and no, what i have is a mid-high end computer, it's a bit weird because even this pc runs heavier games than scratchin' melodii, maybe if i have time i'll probably reinstall the game and pray it works kek , still thanks for paying attention I hope you have success with the game.
good news the reinstalation tactic worked and solved the problem, now i can give my review :D
- Cream Cheese Icing: a really nice and funky song, not only that, the idea of the combos really fits these 2 and for being the first song of the game is so "Sweet"
- Nami.WAV: so relaxing and you really buyed me with her vaporwave hippie vibes , i really loved the song and the way how she plays her to call it "beat"tar :v *insert ba dum tsss*
- Stir & Mix: after the game was fixed the song became better not only that I LOVE JAMTINE'S PERSONALITY OMG! she really reminds me of myself and how i'm a case when it comes to love lol n-n"
- Grease Poppin': Just one thing........Chill Ronald Mcdonald heh -u-, really liked synthz mcwave's personality, he's so chill, i personally would be his friend and buy him a soda, by my count of course.
Dude you really showed you have talent, do not waste it Lephem!!!
can't wait to know what will you cook for the next update ',:)
the game really doesn't like two buttons bring held down, which makes 16th notes very frustrating to hit (see: the 1st line of the boss stage). parappa 1 and old versions of FNF had this issue as well.
as other people have said, the reaction time is way too fast at points. i think you should take a look at umjammer lammy's scrolling button display, as it's much easier to anticipate your next turn.
the art style, music, and concept are solid though, and i hope to see more in the future!
Can you add back the 2021 demo? It would be cool to have the old versions up when the game's out
I got the 3D Mode and its ending!
A cool feature would be an advanced key/button mapping system, along with that, you can also customize what it shows up as.
(For example, it would be possible to map B to the top button, and have it show as a PS circle button in gameplay)
this looks so cute,i just showed this to my freinds that like parappa lol.
The rhythm aspect of this game is almost perfect and I love everything about it, the animations are really nice, the music is awesome, and its honestly one of the best love letters to Parappa the rapper. One of my only complaints would be about the overworld which honestly doesn't play as big of a role as the rhythm game aspect anyways but I would like to see maybe more going on in the overworld later down the line and maybe just a big more decor since none of it really stands out when you are walking around and it all looks the same but this is a demo so I am sure that is already planned on being fixed, my other gripe is also about how the character moves in the open world, it might be a personal thing but something just feels off about it and its hard to say what it is specifically and I would have to mess around with it more to figure it out. Other than that though this demo is amazing and I can't wait to see more of this game someday and a huge props to the dev for making something so awesome.
Beautiful game!