im not even bad at these games. i play them all the time but buddy the tutorial is legit crap. cant undestand a single thing they keep repeating the same crap but dont tell you what to actually press to SWITCH THE BAR and if it does then its not popping up for me. i have been trying to press anything to switch it but nothing.
this game is really well done with great art but this game feels like it expects you to already have played parappa like my brain can get over the fact that buttons and the arrows note: i was playing this with a ps4 controller
i love this game! its really well done and super charming. i can't wait for the full release! i just wish i could play the two new bonus levels without it lagging💔i'm able to do supastar tennis without much lag at all, but sidechain fever is completely unplayable due to the lag. i don't know why this is, seeing as i have a computer that surpasses the recommended system requirements. i've uninstalled and reinstalled the game multiple times but no matter what i do its still laggy. if anyone knows how to fix it please lmk!
So glad you liked it! Sorry about the lag you experienced in Sidechain Fever, the way I handled the Beans' textures in the demo led to some strange performance inconsistencies between different computers. Behind the scenes though, I think I've figured it out and hopefully it won't be an issue for you in the full game. Thanks!
Can you possibly make a port of scratchin' melody on a new 3ds by using homebrew? Like imagine playing scratchin' melody on a road trip, it will definitely hit different
Good news! This game is made using Unity, and Unity games can (theoretically, with a lot of hard work) be ported to the 3DS! It would run horribly, of course, but it's possible!
This shit is genuninely so fucking adorbale and fun! I throughly enjoyed all of the songs and my favorite was definitely stir and mix! I also really enjoy the world map and it was super fun to surf around on the turn table! I do think the song requirements are a little tight, and I had a lot of issues doing the stick commands as you have to be RIGHT on the direction or you'll end up adding other directions (I would go to hit right, but I would go slightly diagnol right down and it would input both) but it wasn't a big deal. If anything this has convinced me to absolutely buy this game once it's out to see the new songs and hopefully improved controls. Overall I'm really excited about this and I'm now going to play stir and mix on repeat. Thanks for the demo! (also I really love how Melodii is non-binary I LOVED the detail on the bathrooms <333333)
i failed the first song, and then after i said "no" to retry, it took me back to the main menu and 2 songs were playing over top of each other, and i doubt thats on purpose tbh.
I wanted to like this game. The story is interesting and the art style is eye catching. The songs are really well done and the animations are very appealing. The gameplay itself needs a little more time in the oven. The difficulty curve is too sharp and there is basically no tutorial. Once you get used to the controls and what buttons you need to press, there are quirks the game has to prevent you from being good. On the segments with the double lines, there is almost no time to react when the indicator switches from the top to the bottom. It's almost a guessing game. A simple fix could be making another head come in from the left like it does with the top line. It also seems like there is some input delay with my controller (using a dualsense wired). The lag config seems to only be for matching the visuals and audio, so adjusting that won't help the input delay. After fixing those issues this will be a really solid game
i agree completely, like the controls make sense but the game does not give you enough time to get used to them. like i assumed that it would start off really easy and get progressively more difficult, but it just jumps straight into a pretty difficult song right away with no time to acclimate to the controls at all. and i also agree with it being a pure guessing game, where other similar games give you time to react.
other than that, i love the look and feel; music is actually amazing.
gameplay leaves much to be desired tbh, its practically impossible to hit anything correctly.
Not sure if there's anything I can do about your controller's input delay unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be an issue for the controllers I've done testing with (Xbox One, Switch Pro, and Dualshock 4), but I'll try to look into it when I can. If I may offer advice for double lines as of now, try to remember that the icon always just moves down to the next line as soon as it reaches the end of the first one. Thanks for the thorough feedback!
looove the game and finally got to play it myself!!! it's even better playing it yourself, everything is so nicely done, even in spots where you can tell there is still parts that need to be finished, it very obviously has SO much love in it that you wanna see everything <3 two things that bother me: - cinnabay's buns don't jiggle during "dj i gotta admit.." which isn't consistent with how it jiggles throughout the rest of the song, i think animating it with a jiggle during that part will just finish off that one animation :D - will there be a more concise tutorial level? i find it really hard to get used to the pace of the game/the easy setting doesn't seem to do anything that makes it feel easier, and i think expanding on that one tutorial level in the freeplay mode would help a lot as well as the easy mode being easier (reduce amount of inputs or variety of inputs, easy doesn't use L/R for example)??? but not sure if i'm doing something wrong on that one since it doesn't feel like i even did anything when i select easy?? i could even see that one tutorial song and another one for before melodii even leaves the house that could still be integrated into the story but help the player get used to the pace of the game, since i think slowing it down is not necessarily the answer. i think you have a really good gameplay loop here and i don't think it's a bad thing that some people are finding it hard at first! you gotta make it work in its best state before you start making an easier version. please continue at a pace that suits you, you're doing so good! i admire your hard work so much!
i really love this game, i think it has a lot going for it and a lot of the problems i have with it are more to do with technical issues than the actual design of the game itself.
i'll start with the things i love. the art style is eye-catching and incredible. it really suits the game and music. the design of this game is very lovable and charming. the music is very catchy and doesn't get old even when i end up replaying a level over and over again to get a better score. and act one of the story is genuinely fun to play through, the characters and dialogue are silly and enjoyable. i really did enjoy myself for the most part playing through story mode.
now the things that were not so fun. first of all, the game defaults to 1920x1080 every single time i open the game itself or the main menu, which gets annoying very fast. also it'd be nice if there were more resolution options but 1280x720 works fine. i played this with a wired switch pro controller through steam, and every time i opened up settings, it would switch it to xbox controller settings despite me always setting it to switch controller settings. it's a small problem but it also gets annoying fast. i can't speak for other control setting, but for the switch ones, on the menu, A and B icons are switched for some reason? they look and act fine during gameplay and the restart screen but just not in the menu for some reason.
some more issues i ran into that aren't really tech issues, the blue of the R and B (for switch) are really similar in gameplay and i often get them mixed up because of it. i struggle with the start of the second line in double lines because i don't have that lead in time like you do with singles. scoring i struggled to understand and even after reading the explanation page for it i still have a hard time wrapping my head around it. if there is a difference between easy and normal mode i could not point it out, even playing all the levels on easy, i struggle to get a score above C for every level.
honestly this game is very enjoyable and fun, even with the issues i've encountered. i look forward to eventually purchasing the full release however far down the line that may be. also for context, all these issues are as of V1.033. (sorry for the long comment, i really do love this game!!!)
Thanks for the feedback!! I believe the issues you had with the resolution happens when you forget to hit "Apply" after setting them, and the controller issue happens because the demo currently can only detect Switch Pro Controllers through wireless for some reason, which will make Steam Input read it as an Xbox controller to make it compatible. The icons being switched in the menu under this particular situation seems to be an oversight I missed while suiting that layout for the "Auto" layout option. I'm glad you were able to have a good time regardless!
Downloaded the new demo! A great game, but i found that sometimes on Nami.WAV, or at least in the quick-play/free-play, That after the second disc sequence/arrow sequence, it stays on your note bar, covering up all the notes after it... is this just me?
just found out what was making Sidechain Fever lag for me; the unholy amount of puyos. near the end of the song with less puyos, it dosen't lag. but at the beggining since there's more puyos, it lags, please add an option to have less puyos in sidechain fever.
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like PS4, PS5 and others.
If this game is best with a controller then why don't you put it on console?
is it only for controller
how i can play whit keyboard?
im not even bad at these games. i play them all the time but buddy the tutorial is legit crap. cant undestand a single thing they keep repeating the same crap but dont tell you what to actually press to SWITCH THE BAR and if it does then its not popping up for me. i have been trying to press anything to switch it but nothing.
Do you mean when the bar switches colors? You don't switch it yourself, it's something that happens on its own during the songs.
will there be a mac version ??
No promises, but hopefully someday! I'll be prioritizing the Windows version for now.
aw okay! as soon as it’s up for mac i’ll be the 1st to download 🫶🫶 i’ll be listening to the soundtracks for the time being!!
this game is really well done with great art but this game feels like it expects you to already have played parappa like my brain can get over the fact that buttons and the arrows note: i was playing this with a ps4 controller
i love this game! its really well done and super charming. i can't wait for the full release! i just wish i could play the two new bonus levels without it lagging💔i'm able to do supastar tennis without much lag at all, but sidechain fever is completely unplayable due to the lag. i don't know why this is, seeing as i have a computer that surpasses the recommended system requirements. i've uninstalled and reinstalled the game multiple times but no matter what i do its still laggy. if anyone knows how to fix it please lmk!
So glad you liked it! Sorry about the lag you experienced in Sidechain Fever, the way I handled the Beans' textures in the demo led to some strange performance inconsistencies between different computers. Behind the scenes though, I think I've figured it out and hopefully it won't be an issue for you in the full game. Thanks!
Give me a few reason why is there no 3d mode in the 2023 version
my friend sent me this:
so i sent her this:
The game's humour isn't really my thing, and some parts of Nami's song feel too loud, but it's an otherwise a really great demo. I would recommend!
when will the full game release tell us plz i love this game
It comes out in 3 years, be patient
Hi! Just wondering if theres any way to download new songs or map new ones. It would be awesome, bc I ran out of song very quickly (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) !!!!
last update is awesome! i got an S rank in grease poppin but couldnt get the 3d burger, did that get removed? lmao
pleas make a mac verson
im on mac i just use whisky
Can you possibly make a port of scratchin' melody on a new 3ds by using homebrew? Like imagine playing scratchin' melody on a road trip, it will definitely hit different
"filliping and frying to keep yourself from crashing"
Good news! This game is made using Unity, and Unity games can (theoretically, with a lot of hard work) be ported to the 3DS! It would run horribly, of course, but it's possible!
This shit is genuninely so fucking adorbale and fun! I throughly enjoyed all of the songs and my favorite was definitely stir and mix! I also really enjoy the world map and it was super fun to surf around on the turn table! I do think the song requirements are a little tight, and I had a lot of issues doing the stick commands as you have to be RIGHT on the direction or you'll end up adding other directions (I would go to hit right, but I would go slightly diagnol right down and it would input both) but it wasn't a big deal. If anything this has convinced me to absolutely buy this game once it's out to see the new songs and hopefully improved controls. Overall I'm really excited about this and I'm now going to play stir and mix on repeat. Thanks for the demo! (also I really love how Melodii is non-binary I LOVED the detail on the bathrooms <333333)
Ofc you love stir and mix, everybody does.
good game this is great stuff so be proud creator. need this for mac plsss it would be so fun to play on my mac
Is the demo going to come to the playstation store
bruh it will not be on the ps i check but i wish it was on ps to
I know it wasnt on it I'm asking if there is plans for it to come to it
What's up. Any updates on the full game release
fun game but whew...that difficulty curve is insane.
i failed the first song, and then after i said "no" to retry, it took me back to the main menu and 2 songs were playing over top of each other, and i doubt thats on purpose tbh.
Great game, tons of fun, can't wait for the final product
I wanted to like this game. The story is interesting and the art style is eye catching. The songs are really well done and the animations are very appealing. The gameplay itself needs a little more time in the oven.
The difficulty curve is too sharp and there is basically no tutorial. Once you get used to the controls and what buttons you need to press, there are quirks the game has to prevent you from being good. On the segments with the double lines, there is almost no time to react when the indicator switches from the top to the bottom. It's almost a guessing game. A simple fix could be making another head come in from the left like it does with the top line. It also seems like there is some input delay with my controller (using a dualsense wired). The lag config seems to only be for matching the visuals and audio, so adjusting that won't help the input delay. After fixing those issues this will be a really solid game
i agree completely, like the controls make sense but the game does not give you enough time to get used to them. like i assumed that it would start off really easy and get progressively more difficult, but it just jumps straight into a pretty difficult song right away with no time to acclimate to the controls at all. and i also agree with it being a pure guessing game, where other similar games give you time to react.
other than that, i love the look and feel; music is actually amazing.
gameplay leaves much to be desired tbh, its practically impossible to hit anything correctly.
Not sure if there's anything I can do about your controller's input delay unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be an issue for the controllers I've done testing with (Xbox One, Switch Pro, and Dualshock 4), but I'll try to look into it when I can. If I may offer advice for double lines as of now, try to remember that the icon always just moves down to the next line as soon as it reaches the end of the first one. Thanks for the thorough feedback!
Does it cost Money?
The demo is free, the full game is going to cost money.
that really sucks
but then creator of the game will get money he deserved for spending many years to the game.
does it cost money now?
when the download was finished it was Failed - Forbidden
please help me the game keeps crashing when i try to play nami.wav please help me
i agree with Heitorsant
Probably it's ur PC specs
looove the game and finally got to play it myself!!! it's even better playing it yourself, everything is so nicely done, even in spots where you can tell there is still parts that need to be finished, it very obviously has SO much love in it that you wanna see everything <3
two things that bother me:
- cinnabay's buns don't jiggle during "dj i gotta admit.." which isn't consistent with how it jiggles throughout the rest of the song, i think animating it with a jiggle during that part will just finish off that one animation :D
- will there be a more concise tutorial level? i find it really hard to get used to the pace of the game/the easy setting doesn't seem to do anything that makes it feel easier, and i think expanding on that one tutorial level in the freeplay mode would help a lot as well as the easy mode being easier (reduce amount of inputs or variety of inputs, easy doesn't use L/R for example)??? but not sure if i'm doing something wrong on that one since it doesn't feel like i even did anything when i select easy?? i could even see that one tutorial song and another one for before melodii even leaves the house that could still be integrated into the story but help the player get used to the pace of the game, since i think slowing it down is not necessarily the answer.
i think you have a really good gameplay loop here and i don't think it's a bad thing that some people are finding it hard at first! you gotta make it work in its best state before you start making an easier version. please continue at a pace that suits you, you're doing so good! i admire your hard work so much!
Press 'Enter' on your keyboard
what software did you use?
W Game cannot wait for the full release
This game is so good im obsessssedd with sidechain fever, wish i was better at the game lol
will this game be available for phones in the future?
i really love this game, i think it has a lot going for it and a lot of the problems i have with it are more to do with technical issues than the actual design of the game itself.
i'll start with the things i love. the art style is eye-catching and incredible. it really suits the game and music. the design of this game is very lovable and charming. the music is very catchy and doesn't get old even when i end up replaying a level over and over again to get a better score. and act one of the story is genuinely fun to play through, the characters and dialogue are silly and enjoyable. i really did enjoy myself for the most part playing through story mode.
now the things that were not so fun. first of all, the game defaults to 1920x1080 every single time i open the game itself or the main menu, which gets annoying very fast. also it'd be nice if there were more resolution options but 1280x720 works fine. i played this with a wired switch pro controller through steam, and every time i opened up settings, it would switch it to xbox controller settings despite me always setting it to switch controller settings. it's a small problem but it also gets annoying fast. i can't speak for other control setting, but for the switch ones, on the menu, A and B icons are switched for some reason? they look and act fine during gameplay and the restart screen but just not in the menu for some reason.
some more issues i ran into that aren't really tech issues, the blue of the R and B (for switch) are really similar in gameplay and i often get them mixed up because of it. i struggle with the start of the second line in double lines because i don't have that lead in time like you do with singles. scoring i struggled to understand and even after reading the explanation page for it i still have a hard time wrapping my head around it. if there is a difference between easy and normal mode i could not point it out, even playing all the levels on easy, i struggle to get a score above C for every level.
honestly this game is very enjoyable and fun, even with the issues i've encountered. i look forward to eventually purchasing the full release however far down the line that may be. also for context, all these issues are as of V1.033. (sorry for the long comment, i really do love this game!!!)
Thanks for the feedback!! I believe the issues you had with the resolution happens when you forget to hit "Apply" after setting them, and the controller issue happens because the demo currently can only detect Switch Pro Controllers through wireless for some reason, which will make Steam Input read it as an Xbox controller to make it compatible. The icons being switched in the menu under this particular situation seems to be an oversight I missed while suiting that layout for the "Auto" layout option. I'm glad you were able to have a good time regardless!
Downloaded the new demo! A great game, but i found that sometimes on Nami.WAV, or at least in the quick-play/free-play, That after the second disc sequence/arrow sequence, it stays on your note bar, covering up all the notes after it... is this just me?
i dont understand how to play this game
I spent half an hour for it to download, just for it to say download:forbidden. Thats time im never getting back
just found out what was making Sidechain Fever lag for me; the unholy amount of puyos. near the end of the song with less puyos, it dosen't lag. but at the beggining since there's more puyos, it lags, please add an option to have less puyos in sidechain fever.
Any idea when the next update will be? I am LOVING this game!