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hello there, this game looks and its great, but i found a error where in options of the main menu if you calibrate the delay and press done, story mode starts without doing anything, any reason why this happens?

Hi! This game was absolutley amazing and I already want more! I only have 1 note. I notice when walking around the world as your moving Melodii seems to glitch out a little when switching directions


i wanna know what voice software thing they used for the voices </3


i think vocaloid


I think vocaloid

(2 edits)

Very epic rhythm game that highly resembles parappa the rapper, even the adversaries you are going against give a little resemblance! 

The movements to go around should have a smooth transition of speed & diagonal movements, but overall, the movements is nice.

and had 0 issues when i used my gamepad (IPEGA 9078)

but default, good graphics def work badly on my pc because it's lacking a GPU, but low graphics runs fine



i cant hear anything, can someone help lmao?

Hiii, for some reason, I can't scratch with my keyboard, all my key presses are shown as vocals (like this)

I tried to add it to steam as said, but steam doesn't recognize it as a program (It doesn't even shows on the menu)



Are you using the arrow keys to scratch and they're coming up as vocal inputs? The arrow keys normally work for scratching.

Oooooh.. I didn't knew that lmao

I have a problem, it literally wont let me start, i have a keyboard, not a controller tho so maybe its bc of that

im using a keyboard too! press enter or shift to get ingam

good game 10/10 cant wait for more! its like parappa the rapper if you played anything like it.also idk if its a bug for the girl with the guitar but when i repeat the keys sometimes it says im wrong.

really cool and fun! the soundtrack is also worth buying since its fun to listen to

First, absolutely loved the game, it is very nice to play, with the charts and controls feeling very smooth, and the animations being just, top notch.

However, i do have some bugs to report.

First, when you tab out of the game while it's in the pink screen after it loads, it just crashes

Second, if i enter full screen using alt + enter, whenever i change to the settings or any other menu in the game, it goes back to windowed mode

Again, loved the game, and really wanna see it completed!

Oh my god, just realized i had windowed mode on! Ignore my second report then, sorry

i am in love with this game so much and i can't wait for its full release, it is heaven to my ears but scary as i fear the buttons, but i am getting better in stir' in' mix (my favorite out of them all) and i hope to see more soon!!!

Hey, the game is pretty good! But uh, I''ve been trying to play it with my switch pro controller, moving to the three options work, but the buttons don't do anything, I've been making sure SM was the only thing running, but I still have to use my keyboard, just had to report that, again, great game though! :3


I love the graphics, these aesthetics are some of my favorites and I love the designs, and am excited to see more, but the game right now is kind of unplayable. every time I open the menu in a song the entire game breaks and I have to close it and restart, and not only that but it tells me to hit A during songs and when I do it brings up the menu (which then breaks my game), which kind of leads into the controls for the game being kind of confusing in general, adding a section for what each control is would be very nice! also adding in quickly I think that during the tutorial when you die you should restart on where the song starts instead of having to rewatch the whole intro 


I like the game too much, I hope all the people who comment here support it too much to continue the project, and that the songs are a bit long and that the story remains in tact, the truth is that I am very interested, it does not matter if one starts one simple story because it is always interesting and quite good, I really consider this game to be one of the good ones and I will support it a lot :3

I'm super disheartened, after half an hour of fenangling, it's not playable! I tried with PC config, XB, neither get me past the calibration sequence, on XB I can't leave Options. I've reset, put on Steam, created a new User on my PC, and no luck.

(1 edit)

Unfortunately I can't play the game because somehow the resolution has been set to ant-sized and I can't make it bigger at all. Please update with a player prefs output for Unity so it can be easily edited!

I hear alt+enter can fix that! 

You, sir, have done what I always wished for!

I always wanted to play more Parappa, and not only did you deliver on the experience, I'd argue that you've outdone yourself for a free game.

Thank you so much for this!!! You have no idea how happy you made throughout the whole game!


Bug Report at the bottom of this text wall

It's a cute little demo so far! So far I feel like the story mode open world aspect to it has too much space with too little in it to the point where it feels a bit barren. Admittedly after collecting some stuff and doing the Cream Cheese Icing song I just went to free play instead to cut out all the fluff. As for some nit picking-

I feel as if the notes are a bit TOO tight at times. I got used to it relatively fast I would say but it definitely requires you to be much more on beat than most other current rhythm games. Some lines just really come out of left field too. It's most apparent in Stir and Mix where around the second half of that song a lot of notes can catch you off guard on the first run (Especially the support lines at first). Some songs have random transitions too where they just don't mesh at all. This is most apparent with again, Stir and Mix where it just randomly has that "random ecksdee" butter man breaking it down. Nami.wav has ok transitions besides the one where they dip into water to see the turtle giving it them GOOD hip thrusts but that was a tiny bit jarring at first. At worst I would compare the butter man breakdance in Stir and Mix to the PJ interruption in Parappa the Rapper's 2 "Noodles can't be beat" since it's out of nowhere and after that bit it just randomly jumps back to where the characters were before that and continue the song. However, Grease Poppin' has the breaks and all the transitions in it working seamlessly and don't at all detract from the gameplay or song.

Mechanically and song wise that's all I think I can say for now, it's time to move on to the possible suggestions and questions that every developer loves receiving unwarranted :,)

1. Seeing some notes ahead of time would do WONDERS for off setting notes feeling like they're coming at you out of nowhere. Currently there is no way to get a peek at the next time which just lets you get a free miss out of nowhere.

2. The point at which a line ends and it's your turn to go can sometimes be out of nowhere as well. I love how getting cool mode is represented on the top left but at the same time giving that screen real estate to letting Melodii's icon more time to start up would help with knowing when a line begins.

3. Extremely opinionated but I'm just not a fan of TTS / Vocaloid voices which automatically makes me say Nami has the best song despite the fact that Grease Poppin' really do be poppin'. Is there any plans to move the rest of the cast + Melodii to an actual voice or is Nami the random outlier? (I understand if this question may be one to ask but I'm glad you're even reading this actual text block :D)

4. I notice the end of the note bar has a pink bulb but it doesn't really mean a support bar is coming and instead that's what the flash is for. It's not really a big thing but that's more of a question why not to use the end bulb there. It might be a bad move in the end actually but given that it's already pink at first glance it can look like a support bar notifier.

5.An option to change the note bar colors from the blue and pink to something more neutral would be nice because in specific scenarios it clashes with the art itself (Stir and Mix strikes again).

TLDR: Current game DNA is kinda like Parappa 1 and I hope it turns out to be as healthy as Parappa 2 in the end.

Overall I enjoyed the game still and I look forward to seeing future progress on the game! Thank you for taking the time for reading all this if you did and I hope Melodii has a lively future ahead of her!

Bug Report Starts here

1. If you select a song in Quick-Groove then as soon as you press it you press back to menu and then your play button again to hit the story mode button the game will accept that as where you are in the story. This can be used to travel both in the future and the past of where your current story progress, allowing you to teleport back to Melodii's home as if you just started or get full story completion immediately by completing Grease Poppin' via this method. This can be done with 100% guarantee any time.

2. Changing the graphics to high can sometimes make the music box in the Quick-Groove menu not open then subsequently crash the game, then making the game take 15 seconds to start up. I have not replicated this yet but I have a high end pc so the 15 second start up was surprising to say the least. I sadly do not have footage of it.

3. Using the Alt + Tab command at any point in a song will cause the note placement by the rival musician to desync and be placed at points where it's even off the chart. This seems to be only visual as trying to match the notes in their newly placed spots will result in a bad grade for that line as you most likely missed a lot of other notes already. I will attach a photo of the desync using the start of Grease Poppin' but this is 100% able to be replicated in any song at any point.

3A. This same Alt+Tab bug can be used to entirely ruin some cutscenes as well but the only one I have tried it on is Grease Poppin' and Nami.Wav. If you do it at the start of Grease Poppin' you'll cause the game to make Melodii and Synthwave Ronald open their doors in very quick succession or outright skip it. Wait a bit longer and you can make the beat map appear earlier than it should be in the scene right before they start playing but this does not have any affect on gameplay besides looking wonky. On Nami it did not seem to prematurely end cutscenes.


I love this review! Of course, I do not agree with everything, I feel the vocaloids used add a bit of charm + go with the feel of the game. It sets it apart from other games as it isn't all too common.

Hopefully, more people vocals from people are thrown into the mix for future characters. I think both would be neat.

As for the butter, it may seem jarring and forced a bit but I think it's good. The game is very silly and animated like a 2000s CN Show with certain expressions and moments going on. I believe the cuteness and silly vibe compliment well for this, even though, it's an unlikely duo.

The dancing butter won't be everyone's cup of tea but It's tame enough to enjoy and not be so off putting.

Lastly, I completely agree with the free miss portion. The note is just thrown at you and its difficult to prepare for it since it's right there. 

I think the first note should come in like it's on a checkout conveyor belt similar to Taiko No Tatsujin and then after it hits the first note it stops and plays as normal. Sorta like a heads up!


I think when I wrote the comment the butter bit was me just venting about the PJ interrupt since I played it again very recently lmao
It does admittedly flow with the kind of aesthetic the game is going for, dropped jaw and all from the crew around there. It really do be a different strokes for different folks kind of thing but it's even close to a deal breaker.
Same for the vocaloid voices, I think the vocaloids fit perfectly for the tutorial since it's a song with more unusual visuals. Hard to do a 180° on the others personally but hey, maybe voices for songs where they talk more and then vocaloids for the more unusual can be a good mix!

Tackling the surprise left hook from some notes is kinda rough though because of how big the display is for the notes. The note scrolling in works for single note lines but it would get a bit awkward for double note lines. For line transitions though like the dreaded Stir and Mix example, it's up to the stars for how that'll get looked at. A line preview would simply fill in too much of the screen or crunch the bar in an awkward way which it's just not formatted for. I don't know exactly how a note coming in would work for a line transition either stylistically. The quickest fix could be to be like Um Jammer Lammy but that game doesn't exactly have a style to worry about for the bar itself. It's a problem that really only applies to support lines with notes at the start of them too so we'll see what happens there.

I'm glad you liked the rambling though! Honestly this one of the first few times I've actually voiced a full opinion rather than just saying "game good / game bad" so I thought it was just EXTREMELY nitpicky / whiny at first. I guess that's just how review type things you write sound while reading it back when it's a bit opinionated.  Melodii do be pretty cool though!

LMAO, for the PJ thing I can understand that. 

Overall, Makes sense what you're saying. I hope LJ sees these comments and takes these perspectives to possibly build  upon it and polish it. As for the rambling, no worries! It was SUCH a good read and I'm sure indie creators could definitely benefit from it. I'm as well a "good game/bad game" person. This is a first I write a more thorough review too actually. I can tell you like the game though so no worries. 

Reminder if I somehow ever make a game to hit you up! Your review was neat.

Hey, I found a bug where the song beats sometimes don't go with the lyrics. I noticed this in Nami.WAV

This is so wonderful! Great work, will easily pay for a full game whenever it's ready :)

amazing game! the songs are great

would love to see the rest when the game is done. take ur time!

any way to change the window's resolution? i just installed the game and the window's too big for me to see any of the menus!

alt + enter to full screen


The screenshots alone are reminding me of parappa the rapper

Nice graphics

This game is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D


this game is SO GOOD the only problem is that i suck at rhythm games and it's too hard for a baby like me

theres an easy mode i believe

it was still hard for me uh

The game doesn't work for me? Nothing loads

The game crashed, and now anytime I try to run it, it just opens the unity crash handler, that thing with the icon of the game and the exclamation mark, and then it just closes itself immediately. Is there anyway I can fix it? I've tried deleting all the files and reinstalling, and even deleting everything out of appdata.


Any chance of getting a Linux port in the future?

just run it via wine


this game is amazing! i can't even begin to express how much i appreciate all the detailed, varied and expressive animations, bopping music and tiny details (such as the song selection melody changing based on what song you are hovering over), it's just too good not to get a 5/5! (in fact, i made an account just to comment on this lol)

one thing though, since i haven't seen any specific section for bug reporting, i'll say it here: on my end, the scoring system seems to be a bit bugged. not mid-song i mean, but when you get an S rank. for normal levels, it locks your highscore at 1650 (which from what i've seen is the threshold for getting an S) and won't save any higher scores afterward. for grease poppin', getting 3500 or more does the same thing, and if you got the 3d ending it also turns any other S ranks into As for whatever reason. it's not the end of the world or anything, but it does make it difficult to keep track of highscores without having to manually edit my save file to work around the bug :/

still, the gameplay itself is really solid and i had a lot of fun getting a feel for each song, even as a non rhythm gamer, and i'm really hyped to see what becomes of it in the future!


Can i use a wireless ps4 controller for it?


Yes, that should be compatible

Deleted post

Don't worry, the official website I recieved them from states the exact opposite of that actually. I've properly paid for my license.



10/10 saw new update, played it and it had more drugs than the first demo (the economy!)


This is genuinely the coolest thing it's about time someone made a spiritual successor to Parappa. My only complaint is it's a bit unclear what exactly works and doesn't when adding notes to the song though that is an issue with Parappa as well so idk if that's actual criticism and the lack of indicator when swapping from repeat and add on mode in songs like having the note bar flash like a second or two before you add have to add onto the opponent would be nice. One final issue I had was it was a bit unclear where exactly you were starting a note line sometimes you work your way down to the bottom while others you only do the bottom and I'm not sure if I'm missing a tell for that or if I'm just going insane but other than that its legitimately the most fun so far I've had with a rhythm game

(6 edits) (+3)

This game is awesome! i hope you finish it. i love the aesthetic and the style, the animations and the humor. The songs very good too (i loved them, though they could improve on the lyrics side (lacks rhythm and flow)). The battle animations are incredible! this game reminds me a lot to parappa in many good ways.

Unfortunately the mechanic is the biggest downside for me. As it is, its pretty much a mess and hardly playable atm (and im a rythm game lover). I love how there are many different types of interactions (short bars,double bar, is pink and blue) but its extremely confusing, specially to know when is gonna be your turn. sometimes you wait a bar, sometimes two, sometimes you dont wait and your turn is NOW!!-no-sorry-youve-missed-it. and it all changes all of the sudden. theres no hint “hey this next bar is your turn”. Also the ui is a bit loaded so i would be careful how to address that.

The tutorial is kinda fun, but the 1st song in story is super hard. also there are too many buttons. 6 are too much (wasdqe). at least you need a better way to differentiate them than colors (when using kb. Specially since another thing that would help is the ability to map to your own keys (making the letter name unusable). (specially for people with different keyboard layouts like me (i use dvorak yeah)). mixing it with the 4 arrow keys is just TOO difficult and confusing (for me at least). On top of that the quantization is too small (ie you need extreme precision). And the actual keypresses (the .. “tabs” for the song) are too random not sure how to express this, but if you ever played pump it up which has tabs that follow the beat more than “the lyrics” and has more rythm youll notice. Parappa the rapper also staid closely to the beat. you cant really flow while playing which takes away the fun and makes it hard to “memorize” or master a song.

my unwanted suggestion is: have that (lets call it tab line) all there, full of buttons, as if it were everything already written, but only show 2 bars at a time. and it scrolls up, so you can always see one line/bar ahead. every time a bar finishes, the whole tabs scrolls up starting the next bar and revealing one more. Edit: (lol at my memory) that’s actually how um jammer lammy works (notice how it uses a different color for each character and the icon an the left animates hinting a change of characters)

With that you can get rid of the concepts of blue, pink, single and doubles. and only put the keys for the player. and would give you lots of flexibility. its a major change but thats how i would address it.

also having the face of the playing character moving along will help. and waiting on screen for his turn one bar ahead. if you take a look at parappa, thats how it does it. i like how each line is only as long as it needs. so you know is a short phrase or longer one.

Also worth noting how parappa uses the same button for same words (every time a word is repeated same button is used) this makes it more intuitive. And also how the difficulty increases very gradually.

Having said that, i really love this game and i really wanna see it published, so much potential!


I love this game it's so fun and I love Melodii, she's so cute and her expressions are so fun and add so much charm! Can't wait to see more!


i can tell this is gonna be my favorite game ever when the full version comes out
(doodle attached because why not)


It is a very good game, I love the musical and artistic section

I just contributed 2 dollars because that's what I can at the moment but the game deserves more support than that, I hope you keep developing it, good luck 

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