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tried to play the game without unarchiving it first, never doing that again

I like the game but I'm struggling to connect my NS pro controller, I've tried adding it as a steam game and I've tried other controllers and it just doesn't work :(

it said "non-steam game"

it still doesn't work

(3 edits)

Finally, something that isn’t just EEEAAAOOOEEOOOEEAAAAA

(jokes aside, this is a solid game, I hope the game launches as fine wine)

But,  i am french and i have french keyboard, and the keyboard is not qe wasd, its ae zqsd so i need a option in the settings to change the keybinds or the game will be harder.

nvm found it


Im trying to press start on pc but it doesnt work, and i dont have any gamepads, so can anyone help me on how to start?


it says it's missing a dll file when the file is in the folder someone please help me fix that.

same here im not sure what to do. google is helping much either


bruh I’d totally buy this game if it was on the Nintendo switch 😏

What are the specific requirements for 3D mode? I try my hardest to get to it but it seems kind of random. Also, how do I stay there? because everytime i do get there everything I try makes me lose points.

Tiene algunos bugs, si tienes suerte de no encontrarte con ellos podés jugar tranquilamente un juego entretenido y con buena música. 

Para los que se quejan de que "mi control de PS4 no funciona" usen Steam o DS4Windows, a mi me funciono perfecto. 


so it's not an fnf mod.that's surprise.


fnf isn’t the only rhythm game 


Well today fnf is one of the most damous rhytm-fames or most commercial i gotta say cause of all those mods,so it's could be easy to mess up

no it's not? OSU! has that title. 

educate yourself before replying please.

Stoopid haha

idk if this should go here but when i open the game it says something about il2cp or something like that idk


there's probably some mistake im making but i cant go on story mode or freeplay songs, and controller isn't detected at all (im using joycons)

that's probably why you're using joy Cons both joy Cons are 2 different devices it's not detected as one controller use the pro controller if you want to play using Nintendo switch 

Deleted post

The better Friday Night Funkin' because there's no toxic mod community to ruin your mental health.



it's almost like this is a demo for a game still in development!



i just realized Melodii uses a third, unspecified bathroom in the Grease Popping song because they use they/them pronouns

hello. is this game windowed?

yes. but you can change it in settings



there is on options for Fullscreen.


need fix the clown boss voice and melodii a bit more robot but keep the work wonderful games

(2 edits) (+1)

i literally love nami their voice is so cute and has a good design and voice, shoutout to their VA. 
(Also, are the voices made with VOCALOID/UTAU?)

I'm pretty sure its They/them

oooo ok tysm!!!


pretty cool


yooo, this game is fun and the songs are really fire, I really need a full version of this with alot more songs and gameplay


I like it, but the inputs on my PS4 controller don't work.


great game! 1 issue though:
when i try to play using a xbox controller it registers the "A" button as the pause button which stops me from playing wel

same here... no clue how to fix it so far

I suggest adding an option to keyboard users to make it asd_jkl instead of WASDQE i love the game but the main keyboard control is kinda janky and im poor so i dont have any controllers

(2 edits)

Or what about keybind change, because I (and probably some others) find other keybinds uncomfortable to play

I tried both the full screen and window version by the screen is still too large and some part of the game are just cut off you cant see it properly and i just played the tutorial part few times and give up because of it.

That aside its nice to see popular youtubers playing your game it got potential to be an amazing game good luck with it.

Easy mode has some problems.


I've been trying to connect my pro controller for around 30 mins or so. When i try wireless, it doesn't work at all. But when i try with my USB, it functions but the mapping is wrong, making it difficult to play the game. And, as far as i know, there isn't really any way to fix it manually. Hopefully this gets fixed <3

It's probably because nintendo buttons have A B and Y X switched together so games like ROBLOX or Minecraft windows 10 and 11 edition (Which only has xbox support for some reason) will not remap the buttons so you have to do it manually for games like Minecraft.

I am willing to give this game sixty bucks when it comes to Steam. It is way better from the full priced AAA games nowadays

i dont know if anyone has this problem but my x button on my ps4 controller keeps pausing the game and i cant bind the buttons to possibly fix it. it inputs the x  in the game too so idk how that works

I’m having the same issue and no clue how to fix it

Same here... maybe that's just a gamepad issue? T

ry playing on keyboard and see if it still makes S or W pause.

Hello! I hope the creator can read this.

the thing is at stage 3 where I'm baking with jamtine, the buttons don't work and make me lose all the time!

Deleted 2 years ago

wow you got the whole squad laughing man

That was absolutely not necessary man and this comment section is to let the developers know in game issues not for this purpose.

game seems cool ngl but its so hard with the keyboard 😭😭😭 but maybe i just suck...

the game dont open

Will this game be coming out on a mac port?

just run it via wine on macos

This was such a great game! i liked it.

Really digging this! Can't wait for the full release!

I'm sure its a great game but.. Idk if i'm just really bad at the game or something's wrong with the game because even if I hit it on time it makes me lose points and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

(1 edit)

The same thing is happening with me, I put in the right notes at the right time and I still lose points

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