Demo V1.032c Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue where scoring an A rank could sometimes overwrite an existing S rank
  • Fixed an issue where certain captions wouldn't show in Supastar Tennis
  • Fixed an issue where the preview of the PS button layout would sometimes not show in the Options menu
  • Fixed an issue where pressing the start button after returning from the Options menu during a song wouldn't resume the song
  • Fixed an issue where an animation would sometimes not play properly in Grease Poppin'
  • Moved a misplaced suggested note to its proper place in Grease Poppin'
  • Due to people accidentally locking the menu navigation by remapping their controls, you can no longer remap UI controls (Gameplay controls are still remappable). If you've already encountered this problem, try going to "HKCU\Software\LJ LephemStar" in the Windows Registry Editor, and then deleting the "Scratchin' Melodii (Demo)" folder inside. Sorry for the inconvenience!

EDIT: V1.032b

  • The customers in front of the register in Grease Poppin' are no longer missing (I don't know how this went unnoticed for so long?? lol)
  • Added captions to Sidechain Fever's trainwreck screen

EDIT: V1.032c

  • Fixed issue where Melodii's "What's up" voice clip gets cut off when the line ends in Stir & Mix
  • Fixed improper head-bobbing animation for a background character in Grease Poppin'
  • Fixed slight typo in Sidechain Fever's trainwreck screen captions


Scratchin' Melodii (Christmas SAGE Demo) 1.3 GB
Version 1.032 Jan 04, 2024

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when full game (gib now orno bacon and unlimited games with no games) (i'll giv 1 mexican peso if u giv) (jkjkjkjkjkjlolololololol)