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Art style: FNF

Mechanics: Parappa the Rapper

Deleted 81 days ago

bruh scratchin meloddi website art style better than fnf lol


I like the detail that Melodii is gender neutral, nothing in the game I’ve seen genders them but most people probably default to girl. 

Please create a version for xbox, I have a mac and the game is not compatible with my pc :(

Deleted 1 year ago

You can also upload the game to steam in order to use controller input

this game is amazing but are some of you experiencing lag? i have a trick that worked for me! i couldnt even complete grease poppin bc of the lag. so u go to options and lower the graphics to the most lowest setting possible. idk if this is a no brainer but o well ;P

Deleted 2 years ago

what is wrong with you man


what did he say? i dont know what he said


bro chill


bro what the..?

awesome game

(2 edits) (+3)

this game is actually kinda fun, but the problem is the toxic side of the rythm game community giving you death threats if you complain about the game being hard, and every time i lose i feel like that even the game is trying to bully me until i kms.

Deleted 81 days ago

I have no idea if it's something I'm doing wrong or whatever. But I installed the latest demo, unzipped it and tried playing the game through Parallels Bootcamp (I'm stuck on Mac) and there's no sound no matter what I do, on top of that it disables all sound until I either restart or shut-down Bootcamp. Is there something I'm missing?


Id reccomend as a feature that you can change the visible notes to match you keys

go to settings and go to controls, click the thing your playing with and you’ll see the keys. hope it helps!

I do know how to adjust keybinds,its hte fact they dont match visually is the problem

I have a small monitor and if I make windowed mode nothing will change, I don't see the first star or it's easier to say the first note.

I know that there you can understand the note by color, but this is not always the case. you can also understand a letter or an arrow by sound, but no, I have a bad memory and when I try to remember it takes even more time because I'm trying to do it faster.

(I barely got through the tutorial)

Did you try fullscreen mode?


how do you get in the game

Excuse me,

I have a laptop to play it on, but can you play this game without a controller because i do not own one. nor' a mapable one.

if you could reply to this with the answer

Yes you can, it is possible to change the controls to keyboard in the game settings. :)

(1 edit)

main page > options > controls > keyboard > apply


To everyone asking for a mac port or linux port, there isnt one right now there probably wont be soon, just use wine.

I was able to play a full run completely fine last night when I downloaded. Now there is a strange glitch where the buttons on screen are in the incorrect order, so nami sounds all jumbled up and then if I press the buttons in the order it shows I lose for inaccuracy. rip

Deleted 81 days ago

Yo, will there be a linux version soon??

Please make it for Xbox I don't have a windows computer.




Thats not how this works


I love this game but the controls are hard and i'm not even past the tutorial.


get good


Okay uhh- Tha's a bit....... <Rude?


get good

(1 edit) (+1)

Look, rhythm games are hard as balls. It's part of the reason why I never really played Parappa the Rapper or Friday Night Funkin'.

And so help me, if any one of you scrubs tells me to "git gud", I will shove [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] up your [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] and, while I'm at it, [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] your oh-so-magical [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] with a bucket of [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] and a stick of dynamite [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] [EXPLETIVE REMOVED].

EDIT: Made the "rant" a bit more... colorful.


dont get mad, get good bro

You're awfully ballsy for someone with a default PFP.

I like that.

uhhh wdym ballzy... Lol

Brave, courageous, willing to voice their beliefs in the face of adversity, unwilling to back down, etc.

Well, you did ask.


I had a great time and enjoyed it alot! But I only have one issue tho, and that is how do I support such an amazing game like this




show it to people you know or donate it money here 

I only needed to play 2 minutes to realize that this game is a masterpiece! Please tell me is there any way I can sponsor or help in any way with the project! You can count on me!!! I want to support you!


really good game, but I have some issues with the game;

1. It seems like everytime I download the game, either I can't fast forward or in random levels (E.G. Mcwave) when I have support part, my icon doesn't move forward, not giving me the chance to actually do anything. I tried pressing keys and it doesn't do anything

2. The game promotes creativity over accuracy, to the point where getting an actual perfect on a song would give you a B (rarely an A) 

3. for some reason, when I go into selection for songs, the game's FPS drops to 30 and 40. It fixes itself as soon as I either go back to main menu or choose a song. I can randomly also loose frames in Mcwave when the game switches to the part with lyrics. Any other time, I maintain high frame rate

This is all criticism with #2 being more of a opinion of gameplay, I love the game but when I  hate when I show it to my friends and they say "Bro, you literally can just spam to win" 

hello im back on a pc

umm cool I downloaded it but how I play man


so I downloaded the game on my phone for some reason and now my phone is having a seizure


Ooof I guess you have to say goodbye.


Nah it's fixed

ohh ok



I didn't even play it

Its a windows game

bro I know 

cool but more levels


Can you make it for Mac also? i dont have windows.

Use wine

at least make the storage lower please 57 GB is my whole computer ngl


same :(

No offence but my phone has 128GB

who are you guys challenging to? my phone has 16GBs

What do you mean?  The current demo is no more than 5GB

it's too hard to play the keyboard. Please fix it.


Get good. Use a controller.

I dont have.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

How is this related to fnf

i thought it was, but its not so uhhhh 

come on dude this is dissapointing

i know, i thought it was before because i saw a mod version of it in fnf

No, the game is based off of a ps1 game called parappa the rapper. Although both games are rhythm games so they have similar gameplay

i thought it was an fnf mod because i saw a mod of this in fnf, i know it's not related, i was genuinely asking because i didn't know

yooo please make this for mac I saw the YuB video and my mind went poof! "A Parappa the Rapper game style game for the computer! I need to play this," and here we are with me on a mac not able to play






lol "uncultured sWINE" :3

its hard but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! cant wait for full version :

me too

(1 edit) (+2)

I don't have an XBOX. However, I do have a Nintendo Switch. IS there a way I can possibly play using two Joy-Cons?

Note: I installed Betterjoy for Cemu and it does not work still.

Update: I forgot to open Betterjoy. bruh


*breath in*


I want to create a mod but I don't have unity

about game that`s awesome

Deleted 317 days ago

This is still a demo.

can you make a mac version.. ..

Use WINE to run it on Mac/Linux

can you send a link

but I can't with Wine x(

man this game is good. wish i was good at it


im on jamtine

Deleted post
it would be better to have a difficulty system, the game is very difficult. se vc é o criador, vai se fuder. se vc é um jogador deste jogo, parabens seus dedos estão todos fudedidos :)

there is a difficulty system


can you make it linux playable

use WINE to run it on Linux


now what


You're supposed to do it via the command line.

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