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If I could offer some constructive criticism, I feel like this game took notes for its in-song ui from parappa the rapper when it should have been taking notes from um jammer lammy, it feels like it's hard to know exactly when it's my turn to press buttons.  Also I feel like sometimes having my buttons get pressed on the same line as the rival, and sometimes be on the lower line is weird looking, why not just have it be on the same line every time?  I don't want to sound too harsh, I think the demo is good and maybe I'm a scrub or something but making it more clear to the player exactly what they're supposed to do and when is key to making a rhythm game work

(1 edit)

the demo is really good but damn it's hard

I love this game fr

Im waiting for more, I really love this game. I see some bugs and glichtes in the some battles, but all the gameplay is beautiful. 

one of the bugs is in jamtines song for me the shadow stays on for the whole song even game over annimation


i downloaded the file im just not sure where to upload it in so i can play

i downloaded then played the game for a bit, then when the music stopped in the overworld i tried to go to settings and i couldnt move to the options button, then i closed the game and clicked save changed to zip file, then the file deleted and every time i download it again it auto deletes from my computer, is this my computer or is there a way to fix this?

fnf but good



what series is that again?

BFAFSH the full series is here: 

BFAFSH all episodes - Scratch Studio (

A keeps pausing the game and it sucks, i use a xbox controller via bluetooth please fix :(

That happened to me, add it to steam and it should work

Really good game, no joke

when I play with keyboard controls idk how to get past the latency calibration part bc it says A like for controller controls pls help

just go to settings and change the buttons to keyboard

(1 edit)

I did do that and it still didn't work

heres my discord: Gabito#5873  help me please

With what..?

hello someone can help me with this Glitch? (sorry for the bad playing my controller mapping randomly changed) help me real quick i wanna play ;( add me  to discord cuz i cant post videos here :( bye


there's a glitch where if you press the s key or usually the ok button at the same time you press enter in a round the game glitches. i exploited this glitch to get funny results such as people complaining in the background and... this

melodii has a sponge and there is 2 clowns
 there is 3 clowns and the music isn't synced


update, i spammed the glitch and got this . the music playing was the cutscene music


love it, definitely deserves more attention!


gam 2 harbd. kant beet tutorial leval


Your a child


You're* a child too.

(1 edit) (-2)

imagine being a grammar police on the review page of a game literally get over yourself dude and learn that grammar literally doesn't matter on the internet, def the english teachers pet lolllllllllllllllllllllllll


pls online version

i hope you Guys add this to Console versions like Ps4 Xbox 1 i think it would be good for Console and Pc  also it would be fun 


It's still a demo. Why would this be on consoles already?

I've seen way too many people comment this


Making Cookies for my love and stir and mix

"MAking Cookies for my love and stir and mix"


I hope you also add a 2 player battle mode, similar to PTR2. When's that's added, I will make chinese with Scratchin' Melodii

the chinese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know what ur using to make this game. but I so totally want to do particle effects for it! (ps: an "all masters"  track would be awesome to see)


I so wanna voice act in this game when it comes out

My friends and I had a ton of fun playing this on our YouTube

i can't get it to work, it keeps giving me a zip file :(

Deleted 2 years ago

Can you extract it?

bro extract it using a archiver

uhh i mean girl...


The best rhythm game I have ever played, even FNF didn't have the good vibes as this, and the songs? I adore them so much! I can't wait to see the full release!! ^^


I got bitchslapped by the butter 4 times.

First time I'm playing a rhythm game and I haven't even made it past the 1st Rival Battle of the story demo.

Might try again another time.

Deleted 1 year ago

i can't believe the guy who made sonic revved up made an awesome rhythm game! i wish i could play it thought because i can't play it with a macbook, I HATE MAC OS I HATE APPLE I HATE TIM I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:((((((((((((((((((((

not on Mac :(

use wine

need moar

(1 edit)

This game is sooooooooo GOOD !
i hope i could play the full version of this BANGER !

for people who wants to try here is positif points :

-art and animations are beautiful

-musics slaps 

-short but cool story and senario writen

-gameplay is good, it's hard at the beegining but get's easy

littles negatif points :

-there is some trouble with NAMI and JAMTINE with bottons to press

-need a controller (you can play on keyboard but that's... meh)

-singing synth with music is little bit complexe (i didn't understood how it works)

But this game is N.E.A.T !

(1 edit)

I 100% agree on both positive and negative points. I see a lot of people saying that it's too difficult, but yes, it does get easy after a while of practice.  

I  want to point out that
1: I experienced trouble with pressing buttons on  VS. Synthz McWave in addition to the two that you mentioned, so  it might just be a bug on all the maps.
2:  I S-ranked all maps     on keyboard, so I think the part about needing a controller might just depend on personal preferences.

But yeah, this game SLAPS.   Love this type of rhythm games.

I agree with you on so many levels!

i love this game (the 2021 version). but the SECOND I alt tab out of the 2022 version and try to reopen it crashes my pc and almost corrupted my pc's         C: drive.


what the heck are you doing with the game what


In the image of Melody sparying paint on the walls, the date in the corner shows June 19, is that a Don't Hug Me I'm Scared reference?


the game cant fit my screen??

Try going to  Options from the main menu, then make sure Windowed Mode is unchecked. If it is    unchecked    and still not fit to screen, then adjust Screen Resolution.


press alt enter at the same time and it fix

can you play with keyboard?

Yes.   From   Options in the main menu,   go to the  controls tab (either by clicking on the tab or using right arrow key), and under Controller Layout,  click on  (or navigate using arrow keys) where it says Keyboard. 

Deleted 291 days ago

use Wine

Nami <3

Deleted 35 days ago

when the full game is out

The game is still in a demo stage and we have no clue when it could come out, it could 6 months, it could be 10 years, we dont know

lol 10 yrs

Very good game, I've been wanting to try it so much and I was not dissapointed! The animations are nice, the songs are catchy, and the game was fun all around!

I would say my only problem is that there feels like there is a huge spike in difficulty. It feels like the tutorial is easy enough, but immediately when you fight the twins it feels like you're doing the final boss of the first world. Maybe there should be some optional, sidequest fights that are easier than the main story ones so that we can get better acclimated to the mechanics?

Still gonna keep playing this game tho, love it so much!

You can actually play on easy mode if you go to Quick-Groove from the main menu. On the bottom right, there's an option to change difficulty for each of the maps. I hope this helps :)


mac port when?


same I'm wondering too


Really like the game and it's art, but it's kinda hard to play in my opinion.
Unless you're ready to fail a couple times.
(I mainly play rhythm games, so maybe it's just that part of me talking XD.) 
Just some things I noticed:

-The game tells you blue is repeat, pink is support, but doesn't tell you that sometimes you'll have to either repeat just a single line, or a double line. Or that a repeat line can quickly turn into a support line out of the blue and mess up your flow. (STIR AND MIX's "I love you" lyric is my example for this one).  

-The scratch notes can get annoyingly mushed together too depending on the speed of the song, and playing on controller doesn't help at all, it just makes it feel awkward.  

-Sometimes the note placements are weird too, choosing to blank out over notes or lyrics that you can clearly hear and expect and instead are placed for ending sounds. It makes it harder to rely on the music when the notes are placed that way in my opinion. (Again STIR AND MIX on normal is my main example, the other songs don't really have this problem, but I worry this might be a habit for future songs 0-0.)

 I know this is only a demo, so maybe it'll improve, but it's still really good as is. Would definitely recommend for anyone who wants to play a nostalgic game like PaRappa The Rapper but with a newer generation of music and humor.
(I'm still dying over the butter game over scene-)

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