Scratchin' Melodii - Christmas SAGE Demo out NOW!

A lot of you might already be aware, but yes a new Scratchin' Melodii demo is here! I didn't want to say too much until I finished fixing some of the more grueling bugs people found on day 1 of this demo, LOL. This will be the last demo of the game while I work on finishing the full game. The contents of this demo may not represent the final game, as this demo is just being released for testing and feedback purposes.

This demo features:

6 playable songs
If you played the last version of the demo, you'll notice that the Vocaloid tuning and/or vocal mixing has been redone for the returning songs!

  • Cream Cheese Icing (Kinda new! Completely redone since the last demo)
  • Nami.WAV
  • Stir & Mix
  • Grease Poppin'
  • Supastar Tennis (New!)
  • Sidechain Fever (New!)

The first Act of the game's Story Mode
Story Mode has been almost completely redone since the last demo! Now taking place in a new more cinematic 3d environment.

Various new QoL features

  • Automatic controller layout detection (Don't worry, it's toggleable!)
  • Revamped UI to be more intuitive and readable
  • Redone rhythm system to be more consistent and reliable

Please note that certain features such as Stickers and 3d Mode/Ascension have been temporarily disabled for this demo, as they will need to be redone to work with all of the new coding and such. Not 100% sure yet if I'll bring back Stickers, but rest assured that 3d mode/Ascension will be in the full game!

And for those of you who've been playing this demo before the bugfixes, here are the patchnotes from last night. You'll have to redownload the demo to play with these fixes!:

  • Timing strictness/leniency in battles now adjust based on song tempo 
  • Misinput penalties in battles now adjust based on amount of notes in suggested line 
  • Fixed known camera issues in hub world when playing at low FPS (Hopefully) 
  • Reduced known soft-locks in hub world cutscenes (Still likely to happen if you can't run the game at its intended 60 fps)
  • You can no longer mash select in Quick-Groove menu 
  • Sidechain Fever now has correct name in Quick-Groove menu -Tennis ball in Supastar Tennis no longer has missing shader 
  • Fixed High Scores not showing in Quick-Groove menu for Supastar Tennis 
  • Fixed known issues with Easy Mode -You can now change difficulties in Story Mode 
  • Neighbor NPC no longer has Melodii's name (lol???) 
  • Audio volume settings more reliable 
  • Fixed known openings in hub world that allow player to go out of bounds (If this still happens to you somehow and you can't make it back, you may have to clear your story mode save data in the options menu) 
  • Fixed Microwave interaction trigger being unreachable in Melodii's house 
  • Fixed known issues with wrong button being highlighted on songs' Pause Menus 
  • Fixed button icons in Story Mode textboxes not changing to match controller layout 
  • Fixed beat dots on top line not matching line length 

Also, I've heard some people on lower-end computers are having a hard time running the game. Bugs are more common when your system is running the game laggily. For now, all I have to say on that is:

  1. I have a better graphics card than you 💪
  2. Sorry about the lack-luster optimization right now! Still working on that, although I still can't guarantee that the game will run too well on weaker computers.

Thank you to everyone who submitted their bug reports in the discord server. Feel free to send more if you find any!


Scratchin' Melodii (Christmas SAGE Demo) 1.3 GB
Version 1 Dec 10, 2023

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hyperfixation with this game going wild again

Honestly, I prefer the 2022 version

Full game going to take forever😫😫😫

(1 edit)

well, idk if it's a known bug or anything, but when i was playing Nami.wav i replayed it again after winning (and some time after restarting the music again in the menu) and after completing it again, Melodii got stuck with Nami afterwards, even closing and opening the game (i guess mi only solution will be going in the options and deleting my progress in story mode)

I also had that problem when I first played the game, but just clear the story progress and try again!

uh does it kinda bug or just me when i press a key on my keyboard it wont work but my keyboard is nothing broke or anything

maybe it's because the game is not suppose to be play with keyboard,so it's not  the best,and if you have joystick,i recommend you to play this game with that

i think its because my computer lag so yeah thanks for reply